Thursday, October 16, 2008

One in a billion!

Well, most of you don't know me, but I worked with Carl on some Construction Sites in Eagle Canyon Golf Estate, the day I met Carl he came across as a very confident outspoken guy, and it wasn't long before he cracked the first joke of many still to come, in fact I don't think there was a single day when Carl was around, that he didn't have a quick joke to share with all the guys on site.

The actual reason why I want to share my experience with you about Carl, isn't just because of the jokes we shared, or all the times we spent talking about our kids, or his willingness to always help out where he could, but the size of his hart! He was truly one of a kind, and what he was willing to do for people he hardly knew really blew my mind, he was a true roll model!

A couple of months after I had moved into a knew complex out in Helderkruin I met one of the tenants living there, he claimed to be a Captain at the Honeydew Police Station and was also on the Body Corporate where I lived, obviously after getting to know him a bit better I had formed a bit of a friendship with him and it wasn't long before he introduced a dodgy scam to me (which didn't sound so dodgy at the time, he did work for the SAPS after all).

To make a seriously long and terrible story short, I managed to get two of my colleagues involved, they invested quite a bit of money and we had suddenly discovered that it was all a scam, the next few months were some of the most stressful times in my life, as I was implicated to be an accomplice, I nearly got arrested for theft under false pretences, and I didn't even do anything wrong!

While all this was going on it was extremely hard to keep focused on my work and Carl was one of the first people to try and encourage me that all will soon be better, the day that shook me the most was when Carl actually offered to loan me the money to make it all go away. This from a guy that hardly knew me, some of my closest friends, people who knew me for years didn't even offer to help. I was truly amazed by Carl, the kind hearted person he was and will aways be.

Everything turned out great afterwards, the scam artist got arrested, and I truly believe that Carl's positive outlook on the whole ordeal was the definitive turning point at which everything started to go right, he never judged anyone he never looked down on anyone and he certainly never ever turned his back on a friend! Truly, one in a billion!

Carl, you will truly be missed! God bless you my friend!

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